Friday, February 18, 2011

Crazy Combos

For this assignment I was supposed to create some sort of creature by combining multiple images. I just thought of some animals that I think look cool and immediately a yak and cockatoo, but I couldn't think of a way to combine those two animals so I stuck with just the yak's head. I then thought that the yak's head would look cool on a gorilla's body. When I saw the two things combined I knew that black wings would pull it all together so I found a raven and used its wings. Then I needed more layers to complete the assignment and that's when I threw on the hat and the eagle with the dude's head. I was inspired by the majestic beauty of the yak. I don't think I would do anything differently if I had to redo it, I really like the way it looks now.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Green Project

For this assignment we had to create a design/image only using 15 green images given to us.  I knew I didn't really want to try to make a scene using the images and I thought that putting the picture of the little boy on top and having the other images be seen through the boy on the other side would create a cool image. I was inspired by Henry David Thoreau. When I was about halfway through making this I thought I had made a mistake choosing to approach this project the way I did, but in the end I liked how it turned out and I would do it in this manner again.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Music Project

In this project, we were supposed to take a design and change it to something completely different and original. I just followed the directions keeping in mind what I thought would make the final product look good. I was inspired by myself. I might have played with eraser designs a little more if I was to do it over again.