Monday, June 6, 2011

Color Wheel

For this assignment we had to use one image as a stencil for other images and then change the color of all the images to create a visually appealing final image.  I used a lion as the stencil then used his prey as the images.  I was inspired by the strength of the lion.  I would do nothing differently.

Psychology Project

I made this particular image for a project in psychology using what I have learned in Digital Imaging.  It is a board for a board game we created called Disorder.  I just tried to make it look like a real board game, and it turned out looking pretty close.  I was inspired by Sigmund Freud.  I would not have done anything differently if I had to do it over.

Cumulative Project

We had to create an advertisement for ourselves as an artist.  I attempted to show off my individual projects while making the overall image appealing.  I also attempted to show off my physical attractiveness by using two images that feature myself.  I was inspired by Amy Grace's smile.  I would not have changed anything if I had to do this again.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Inside Out Project

For this assignment I took a famous/influential person and showed what was going on inside of his head.  I decided to use Henry Ford because he was such an influential figure in American History and I showed what was going on inside of his head.  I was inspired by freedom, justice, the bald eagle and the ghost of Henry Ford.  I would do nothing differently.


For this assignment we were supposed to turn yourself into an avatar of some sort, I decided to go with the kind from the movie.  I just tried to make myself look as much like an avatar as I could.  I was inspired by Jake Soo-lee.  I would change my hair if I had the time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


For this assignment we were supposed to create an advertisement for a product, real or fake.  I just tried to make something sarcastic. I was inspired Ryan Flynn. I would not do anything differently next time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stephen Hannock

I am inspired by this picture because the little bunny aspires to be a pilot, and it makes me want to aspire to be something great that people wouldn't expect from me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Abstract Art

We had to make abstract art for this assignment. I just listened to Scar Tissue and kinda played around on that website to the beat of the song. I was inspired by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I might have picked another song if I had to do it again.

Self Portrait

For this assignment we were supposed to take a picture of themselves and change it in 9 different ways. I just tried to make the pictures look cool and the image overall look appealing. I was inspired by TV on the Radio. I would do nothing differently if I had to redo it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kaleidoscope Project

For this project we had to take a picture and duplicate layers and manipulate them in a way that created a kaleidoscope like effect.  I just found a picture of myself then followed the instructions from the youtube video. I was inspired by my own beautiful face and hulkish arms. I wouldn't do anything differently the next time around.

Monday, April 11, 2011


For this assignment we had to take many different images and put them together in a way that is artistically pleasing and utilize many different features of photoshop in the process. I just tried to have a consistent theme and make adjustments to make it work together better. I was inspired by the beauty of humanity and somewhat by the animal kingdom. I would not do this the same way next time but I'm not sure how I would approach it if I had to redo it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Four Square Project

For this project we were supposed to take one image and alter it four different ways to create one picture of four unique images. I just wanted to create enough difference and have enough similarities between the pictures for it to look good. I was inspired by the sheer power of the bear, which is obviously much more frightening than a shark. I would pick a more square image to start with if i had to redo this project.

Visual Puns

In this project we were supposed to create visual puns using photoshop. I just tried to come up with ideas that would be a little silly and stupid and mainly amusing. I was inspired by Ms. Burnette. The first picture is a cutie pie, second is the specific ocean, third is Rocky. I can't really think of anything I would do differently next time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Crazy Combos

For this assignment I was supposed to create some sort of creature by combining multiple images. I just thought of some animals that I think look cool and immediately a yak and cockatoo, but I couldn't think of a way to combine those two animals so I stuck with just the yak's head. I then thought that the yak's head would look cool on a gorilla's body. When I saw the two things combined I knew that black wings would pull it all together so I found a raven and used its wings. Then I needed more layers to complete the assignment and that's when I threw on the hat and the eagle with the dude's head. I was inspired by the majestic beauty of the yak. I don't think I would do anything differently if I had to redo it, I really like the way it looks now.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Green Project

For this assignment we had to create a design/image only using 15 green images given to us.  I knew I didn't really want to try to make a scene using the images and I thought that putting the picture of the little boy on top and having the other images be seen through the boy on the other side would create a cool image. I was inspired by Henry David Thoreau. When I was about halfway through making this I thought I had made a mistake choosing to approach this project the way I did, but in the end I liked how it turned out and I would do it in this manner again.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Music Project

In this project, we were supposed to take a design and change it to something completely different and original. I just followed the directions keeping in mind what I thought would make the final product look good. I was inspired by myself. I might have played with eraser designs a little more if I was to do it over again.