Thursday, April 14, 2011

Abstract Art

We had to make abstract art for this assignment. I just listened to Scar Tissue and kinda played around on that website to the beat of the song. I was inspired by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I might have picked another song if I had to do it again.

Self Portrait

For this assignment we were supposed to take a picture of themselves and change it in 9 different ways. I just tried to make the pictures look cool and the image overall look appealing. I was inspired by TV on the Radio. I would do nothing differently if I had to redo it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kaleidoscope Project

For this project we had to take a picture and duplicate layers and manipulate them in a way that created a kaleidoscope like effect.  I just found a picture of myself then followed the instructions from the youtube video. I was inspired by my own beautiful face and hulkish arms. I wouldn't do anything differently the next time around.

Monday, April 11, 2011


For this assignment we had to take many different images and put them together in a way that is artistically pleasing and utilize many different features of photoshop in the process. I just tried to have a consistent theme and make adjustments to make it work together better. I was inspired by the beauty of humanity and somewhat by the animal kingdom. I would not do this the same way next time but I'm not sure how I would approach it if I had to redo it.